Friday, September 17, 2010

Today was a great day!

I RODE A VESPA! Alyssa rented one for the day and she drove me around. So much fun! With the wind blowing and the lights flying by. Sorry I told you I wouldn't get on one, but Alyssa is a good driver.
Today was a really great though. I was a little tired when I woke up (I had the weirdest dreams about Marty and True Blood) but I had a cappuccino and was fine. We went to the market and got two types of cheese, pears and bread oh and some dried fruit. Chris, Andrea, Sarah, Jess, and Christina came to Fiesole too. It took us a while to find the bus but it was only a 1.20! and only took like twenty mins. Angie and this girl Colleen walked up! They said it took them 3hrs, I was really impressed that they actually did it. Maybe another day ill try too.
When we got there we went to this little church art museum, that was interesting. AND then we visited these Etruscans and Roman ruins! They were awesome! There was an amphitheater, and Roman Baths and a temple. And we climbed all over them and it felt like narnia (like we had come back after being gone for centuries). Its just so cool to think about the Romans that sat in that very place, or the ceremonies that have taken place there, so crazy.
Then we had our picnic up the hill a little bit. The view was incredible and the food was   so   good. The sweet pear and the salty cheese together was so good. I couldn't be happier, unless you were there. Then we went to this little church up on the hill. It had a mini cloister and a mini pulpit. And in the basement it had this exhibit on ancient Chinese and Egyptian artifacts, including a mummified cat! It was nice to see something besides Italian Renaissance.
Then we went back home and I rode the Vespa for a little and then we got the most amazing pizza!
After that we vespa'd over to Chris's apartment, got kinda lost but it was just nice driving around. I feel so cool and Italian just carrying around the helmet. On the way back we got lost again but found this happening Italian club and chilled there having good conversation with each other, and I killed a snail, CRUNCH! Super ready for bed, but love talking to you and seeing you and wish I could mail you this pizza.

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