Friday, September 10, 2010

my day

hi baby. i figured i'd let you know about my day since it was so hard to talk today. i woke up around 11 30 i think and everyone here just sorta just hung out. i kept trying to get us to like get out and do something. play a sport or something but everyone was lame. so we just sat around forever. that movie freedom writers was on with hillary swank. so we made scrambled eggs and sat around. i was trying to watch it but they were all doing this stupid fantasy football draft, so they kept yelling and shit. and i kept being like yo could you guys not be so loud cuz i was trying to watch the movie, but of course they didn't give a fuck. but if they were watching a movie and i was being loud...pshh forget about it. they'd flip shit. it sucks that this is the place i come to, to get away but i get so annoyed by them. and its hard being the only black one. cuz i can just pick up on these hints of racism and ignorance from them. little things they say when we were watching freedom writers. but anyway after we ate me the twins and mal went to the gym. i finally worked out my legs. no more chicken legs for me! but mal's cousin showed up so they left like right away, but i made sure i finished my workout. and then it was like 4ish i think. i kept checking skype but i couldn't catch you at the right time. and then we went to walmart so they could "grocery shop". i'm happy i don't live with them. it just wasn't fun and they get the weirdest shit. but whatever. then we came back and i think thats when we talked first. it really hurt to see you cry. i wish i could be there just to hold you. make things better. and then i talked to glassface online and he said he could get us this new music program he had. so we went to his house and it was pretty awesome. since he's just living alone he had a studio set up in one room. with like a really big couch and the mic in the closet, and a turntable and keyboard and stuff. it was really cool being there. made me want to work on stuff. and he let me use his turntable. and i felt really cool messing around with it. if only i had some money. it was like 500 dollars i think. some day. and then i stopped back home to get my chargers some clothes and some rice and chicken. i saw my brother and sister. they started school the other day. they said they liked it. and carlota took some test for learning disabilities. so we just gotta wait on the results. and then i came back here with evan, and i finally got to talk to you! wow baby i love you so much, you're just so pretty. i can't wait to see you again babe. i miss you.

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