Wednesday, September 8, 2010


hey baby! i'm still missing you and thinking about you all the time. it was nice to talk to you again. i really like how skyping is working out. its soooo much better than calling. coordinating times is the only hard part. but its worked out good so far. i just get nervous for the weekends being hard if we don't get to talk. just remember you don't have to go absolutely everywhere. just don't stress your self out about it.

but anyway after we got done talking we went over to mal's room to hang out since it was gonna be his birthday. the plan was to go to the restaurant/bar across the street from the school, get some wings and wait til 12 so mal could get his first beer. but we ended up going over at like 9, so we were at that place for  hours. but it ended up being pretty fun. wings were only 35cents so me and gene got 10. so i only had to pay 3 dollars. which was pretty good. it was just the twins, evan, steve, mal and kojack. the wings were pretty good too. we had this whole back room to our selves. but then when it got a little later we were moved over to the bar. which was pretty cool cuz i was at a bar. but i guess you've already done that. i still just wanna be able to experience something new with you. i wanna get my life together. get my license, a job, and just back on my feet. so i hope i'm moving in the right direction. but anyway i'm getting off track. so yeah we were moved to the bar. oh and before that i bet everyone i could lick a plate of hot sauce clean for a couple bucks, i looked pretty stupid and kind of regret it. but it was a dollar less i had to pay. we also shot some darts, and then it was midnight and mal was so excited to just buy his first beer. even though he was drinking the whole time before that. but he got his beer, and then they bought him a disgusting shot of just a bunch of gross liquors. and then some kid at the bar who was just being an ass bought him one too, just to make him drink gross shit. and then kojack and steve wanted to get him more, and he was almost begging them not to buy it cuz he was already feeling sick. but of course they kept pressuring him cuz they're stupid. so he took a couple more shots and then we finally got out of there after like 3-4 hours. and then we stopped by mals room. i started bagging up all his beers and shit, cuz i'm gonna bring in everyone's cans in. i don't remember if i told you that. but we have a pretty good amount back in evan's building. and they would never bring it in. but this dude has the nerve to tell me he wants a cut of it. like dude its gonna be only a couple of bucks, that he definitely doesn't need at all. and he's not gonna be nice enough to let me just have it. really pissed me off. hes starting to get on my nerves again, which kind of sucks. and also he gets real picky about his computer charger. he'll never need it cuz his computer will already be charged, yet he'll still be like duuuude you really need to use it. so now my computer's dying. but i'll charge it again. i'm thinking about just going home tomorrow.
i keep watching music videos and hearing songs that make me miss you soo much. i can't wait til we're together again. i saw a girl playing basket ball with some dude, and it made me think of how we are when we're just messing around and stuff. which reminds me i wanna mess around with you. if you know what i mean. 3 months is a long time damn. anyway i wrote too much. but if i don't answer skype try calling me. i'm not sure what i'm doing i guess, but i really want to talk to you again. love you baby. goodnight/ good morning.
p.s. this is the song that made me miss you just now. pretty corny but still.

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