Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2

Of course you can be my hero baby. I love you soo much. Thank you for being so strong and making this trip possible for me and helping me and reminding me that there is nothing to worry about.
I finally found the internet! The school's computer lab is right across from my apartment! I'll be getting the password for the school's wireless on Monday, which I may be able to pick up in my apartment too. I'm going to try to put up pictures tomorrow too. There is skype on the school computer but it says it can't find you? whats your skype name?

We just had orientation and that went ok, couldn't understand half of what was being said in strong Italian accents and have so many questions but thats ok, cause it feels like I have plenty of time to find out the answers.

Yesterday was so nice making dinner with roommates. We already have a long list of stuff we need for the apartment, so many things you don't think about when living at home, like a broom. And watching the sun set over florence and eating amazing chocolate gelato that was like pure chocolate batter was just all I could ask for

My roommate seems nice too. Her boyfriend is on the trip too! I'm so jealous! but glad that she has a boyfriend so she can understand when I want to talk to you for hours.

I'm going to call you soon. I love you so much and hope you are sleeping now. I can't wait til you have internet too and we can set up skype dates! Hang in there babe, once we get through this week and settle in things are going to be a lot smoother and ok. If your feeling down just remember how much I love you and that I know you are strong and that you are going to accomplish so much in life. You have your whole life ahead of you to do wahtever you want! that is something that is so lucky and amazing.
I can't wait til I can be with you again, Love love love, Abby

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