Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I had a pretty good day today. I was going to wake up early and go to the market and go running, but I was way to tired and had been way to ambitious to think those things could happen before 8 o'clock. But that turned out to be fine! For the second half of Italian class today we went to the market! It was so awesome and cheap. The meat stalls were pretty gross (pig feet and pig noses) but the veggies and fruit and bread all looked so good. I got some figs that were so fresh and delicious. There was a bread stall were they had biscotti samples and that were so good (I tried one of each and then some.) I got the best foccia there and some gnocci (little pastas with potatoes inside) that I plan on making for dinner some time. The foccia was already half gone by the time I got back home.
I hung out a little with that other Jewish girl I met and we plan on going to Chabad tomorrow to celebrate rosh hashanah together! I got my book for class and it was only 16 euro, which seems so much cheaper than textbooks at home.
When I did get home, I decided to go for a running photography before my next class! And it was AWESOME! I felt so cool and it was a really great way to explore the city more. I love running with no destination and with no map. It makes me feel so free. I think the pictures turned out pretty cool too. I don't ever want to go anywhere with out my camera here.
Then, when I was walking to my class later, these two Italian girls asked me to take their picture in Italian, and then when I said, "yeah, sure" they asked me again in english, so that makes me think that they thought I was Italian to begin with, which made me feel so good! Thinking back on it, I wish I had tried to have a conversation with them in Italian, like asked them where their from (Dove se?) and other things I remember from my class.
Watercoloring today was actually the opposite of fun. I almost feel asleep in my chair I was so tired. And it was boring and long and blah, but I think it will get better.

Check out these pictures!

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