Saturday, September 18, 2010

love me some abby

wish you were here i wish i was with you

today was ok. it was really nice talking to you. i was so happy to hear you had a great day. you seemed really happy, and it was so nice to see you smile again. i think we're starting to figure this whole skype thing out, getting into a rhythm of some sort. i'm so jealous of you. and damn i wish i could be there with you. but after you left, the twins got beer and had some people over. these three girls. they actually weren't as annoying as most of the girls they have over. it was cool because smokes was hanging out with us and mal came over too. and its fun to mess with people when they're drinking. one of the girls, erin, tried paying for some of the beer and the twins didn't wouldn't take if from her, because they're stupid. because then they were complaining that smokes didn't pay, but the girls didn't have to? bull shit. so i took the five dollars from her. because at one point in the night she was talking about some girl and called her a dirty nigger. so i jumped over a chair and put her in a sweet choke hold, and choked her out until she apologized. so i felt like i could take her money and it'd be fair. but everyone was like duuuuuuudeeee you better not of taken it. so i gave it back to her. bull shit. but she was very sorry. but the RAs eventually came and we had to all leave. so me and the twins walked the girls back. and erin was really drunk and annoying at this point, and the other two were kind of drunk too.  its just weird to feel like you're the only responsible one. like i'm watching over them ya know? we finally got to state quad and the erin didn't want to go to bed yet, so she stayed outside with the twins and i went in with the other two and took erin's card so i could swipe me some food. so i got food, and the girls went to their room. and then i gave erin her card back,  but they were all still like hanging out with a bunch of drunk freshmen outside. i just wanted to get back to the room sooooo bad and get to sleep. but of course it didn't work like that. they kept talking to people. and drunk people are soo annoying. this one group of guys were walking buy and started yelling shit to erin. like oooooh she's so beautiful and blah blah. and wouldn't shut up. and i was just like heeeyyy. just relax a little. and of course they had to say shit. and one dude was like i'll fuck you up. i'll fight you right now. but i just ignored him. but they all came up to me and tried taking my board and shit. and i was just like nah dude. and they were like why can't i ride it, cuz i'm black? and stupid shit like that. and it was just annoying and i just wanted to go back. some people ended up comming out and yelling at us for being too loud. so we just tried to get erin to go to sleep, but when she went inside she said she lost her suny card and her credit card. so another fucking hour of searching for her shit. and she was bugging out and shit. she found her credit card which was good but she couldn't find her suny card. so she came all the way back to empire with us to look. and it was already like 4 in the morning. and once we got here i realized it would be impossible for it to be here, because i used her card to swipe food back at state. but anyway she didn't end up finding it and she went back to her place and i'm tired. and i'm really tired so sorry if this doesn't make sense. and sorry for hanging out with other girls even though i give you so much shit for even being around other guys. i'm not fair sometimes. but they were just here. and none of them compared to you even in the slightest bit. and i talked about you a lot. and i know i'm just rambling. but i'm tired. and i just want you to know that i love you more than anything. and i miss you soo much baby. let me know when you're free. goodnight/ good morning. i hope you have fun.

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