Friday, September 10, 2010

It's a new day!

I love how you can go to sleep and when you wake up it is a whole new day, to do whatever you want, feel however you want, so many possibilities. I read your blog, did you tell me that you used glassface's turn table? I think you did but I didn't realize. That's so awesome! Sorry the twins and everybody was being annoying, just try to laugh at it instead of letting it get on your nerves. It was hard to pretend it was you saying i love you, cause it was a girl, but I tried, and it definitely helped, thank you. I feel much better today. I slept in until 1 today! And actually im still so tired I'm going to lay down for a nap after I write this. Chris, Ashley, Todd and I went to the Acadamia and it was cool. The David really is HUGE, but i think it just seems big because its inside, and was designed to be outside (on top of the Duomo). But it was done really well. His body actually reminds me a lot of your body. The also had this line of sculptures that Michelangelo never finished and the figures look like they are trying to break out of the stone- really cool. You can see his chinsel marks too which was interesting seeing his process. There was this special exhibit on marriage chests- miniatures that went on the outside of the chest. They were all these stories that had to do with love and commitment- like the story of Queen Esther, and other myths about women killing themselves to save their virtue after being raped, or their fathers killing them so they don't lose their virtue. Some of them were done by famous artists, like bottocceli, but I didn't think they were as good as their larger paintings, miniatures are really hard to do though. Also, in the museum was the plaster cast of the Rape of the Sabine Woman, one of my favorite sculptures, see the picture. It always breaks my heart when i see it, because the face of the man watching his woman being taken is so touching and emotional, you can just tell has done all he can do to save her and the expression captures the moment of their last glances at each other so well. Its so sad. And the twisting composition and balance is great too. I can't wait to see more art! We also stopped off at this square church that was pretty intersting inside, cause most churches are cross shaped. There is this great gothic tabernacle there to, it is so shiny and ornate (see above). Ok nap time, I going to leave my computer open on skype, so call whenever! Love you!

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