Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 1.

Well baby, its 4:15 in the morning now and I'm really starting to hit me that you're gone. I'm over at empire now about to try to go to sleep but I'm feeling kind of sad so I figured I would post something about my first day without you. So...
I woke up today around 8:30 to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. We fell asleep holding each other and woke up the same way. The best most perfect amazing way possible to wake up. Then, we had a very sad good bye which was very hard, but we got through it. But I was still really tired, so I went back to sleep but I had weird scary/sad dreams. I think because I was still sad about you leaving, and thats how it came out. So after I woke up, I watched some tv, ate some ramen, and then played the same video game for a couple of hours just trying to kill time. Eventually Dan came over and we shot some hoops for a little, and after he left i headed over to Albany. The original plan was to go to chubby's with Evan and the twins, but me and Evan didn't really want to go so we just skated around for a while and just chilled. The twins eventually came back, and we made a couple of prank calls and hung out with their new room mate, who is cool, just kind of quiet. And now I'm typing all of this just because I'm scared to lay down because I'm only going to think about you.
But I love you and you should be arriving at anytime now. So exciting. I hope its going good with you and that you had a good flight. Good luck baby, I can't wait until you call. I Love you sooooooo much baby. Miss you.

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