Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Second to last day of September!

Thanks for talking to me again this morning, taking a shower together was definitely the highlight of my day.
Italian was ok, we have a big exam tomorrow, but im not to worried about it yet...
Symbols and Symbolism sucked. She hasn't been taking us to nearly as many museums as she said she was going to, which was the only reason that I liked that class. And during the lectures she says things that aren't true, and goes off on these random tangents, and pronounces words so wrong its hard to even understand what shes trying to say. Which makes it even harder to focus. It was cool during the break though cause this class is in the same building that my apartment is in so during the break i just went up to it and changed my clothes, and grabbed a snack.
Fresco Painting was good. I like hanging out with the people in the class a lot. And we got to test out using the pigments on the stone.
For lunch we went to this place called the Oil Shoppe that I wish i cold take you too. The have all these amazing huge panini's that you would love- like chicken parm, and its so cheap too! I think I may even go back tomorrow. I love that I only have one class tomorrow, its nice to have a relaxing, short day after these two long ones.

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