Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last day of september!

well baby, its been a month now. its crazy. it feels like its been so much longer than that, but at the same time it feels like its flying by. i know each day i wait for you is going to feel like an eternity. but the same day you get back, its gonna feel like you never left. i miss you a lot though. and i feel like i gotta get shit together before you get back. its a little bit of pressure you know? cuz i don't want you to come back and absolutely nothing has changed. i'm trying baby. i love you and if we made it through one month, we can make it through many more right?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Second to last day of September!

Thanks for talking to me again this morning, taking a shower together was definitely the highlight of my day.
Italian was ok, we have a big exam tomorrow, but im not to worried about it yet...
Symbols and Symbolism sucked. She hasn't been taking us to nearly as many museums as she said she was going to, which was the only reason that I liked that class. And during the lectures she says things that aren't true, and goes off on these random tangents, and pronounces words so wrong its hard to even understand what shes trying to say. Which makes it even harder to focus. It was cool during the break though cause this class is in the same building that my apartment is in so during the break i just went up to it and changed my clothes, and grabbed a snack.
Fresco Painting was good. I like hanging out with the people in the class a lot. And we got to test out using the pigments on the stone.
For lunch we went to this place called the Oil Shoppe that I wish i cold take you too. The have all these amazing huge panini's that you would love- like chicken parm, and its so cheap too! I think I may even go back tomorrow. I love that I only have one class tomorrow, its nice to have a relaxing, short day after these two long ones.

love you baby

i can't tell you how happy you made me the other day when we talked before class. when you said you were all excited and hyper because you talked to me. it made me feel so special. i love you and can't wait to see you and talk to you again baby. i miss you baby. love you abigail.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

can't wait to talk to you

i wish we could have talked, but its ok. today went pretty good. practice is getting better. evan is finally getting excited for the show. and i think we're gonna be awesome. i'm nervous. but really excited. i really hope elvis and jessie make it down. hopefully i'll have some new kicks for the show. and i forgot, nolly ended up getting 75 dollars for that photoshoot for 5 hours. i saw some pictures, they were really cool. hopefully i can get hooked up with that sometime. i think i might watch a movie with nolly and dave in a little bit, and maybe work on my painting until you call. can't wait to talk to you again. love you baby.
p.s. this is a cool panarama picture evan took with his phone.
I still hate watercoloring. I listened to all the No Tag Backs I had on my mp3 which made it a lot better. You guys sound sooo good. I am so excited for your show saturday cause I know everybody is going to love it. I can't stay awake any longer, but I will get up earlier so I can talk to you even longer in the morning!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend of Sicily

This is where we went swimming in the first town we visited, Giardini-Naxos. The bus we took there was real swank. It had curtains, and tables, and the seats were so comfy. I was kinda tired from not sleeping on the train but the first thing we did when we got to this town was get an espresso. And Marty and I got these pinenut cookies that were so good! And also in this town Lindsey got bit by a dog! She ran up to this golden retriever in a car, cause he was really cute, and she put out her hand to pet him and he bit her! It was kinda scary. She was dripping blood. Its healing ok, she didn't have to go to the hospital, but she said it still hurt today. The weather was not the nicest, but it was still pretty, and the water was really warm. There were tons of little fishes on the bottom that nibbled our toes. 
You would have loved it.
This is the cannoli I got! You really would have loved it. This was in a town called Taromina. It was cute. High up on a hill, lots of little shops and boutique stores. There was some interesting churches there. One had a skull and crossbones on it, and we were told it was a superstitions thing, to protect the town. It really made it look like an old pirate village. In one of the churches some one was getting married! All the guests had these beautiful shoes and dresses on. We didn't get to see the bride though. After we drove all the way to Siracusa! Which wasn't that far, only like two hours. We had dinner at the hotel. It was pretty gross. They gave us swordfish, and it still had all the bones in it, and the spine and everything, and i tried it anyway but it took a lot of effort. The dessert was Tiramasu which was good. It was still raining, but we walked to the center of town after dinner anyway and went to a bar. It was nice, talking to people and stuff, but were still really tired so we went back pretty soon. Weren't too sure how to get back, but we asked some people along the way and figured it out.

 This is a crazy church that was right across from our hotel in Siracusa. It was called the Sanctuary, and apparently there was a statue of Mary that cried real human tears. It was huge and we used it as the light to guide us home, cause you can see it from practically anywhere in the city. Our hotel was called Hotel del Sanctuarium. Thats a pic of the roman ampitheater.
This the huge cave near the ruins that had been emptied to use the stone inside it. It echoed a lot and the guide sang for us.

This is Sarah. They gave us these delicious peaches as a snack at the CATacombs. After that we went to the market where the fish stalls were so gross i couldn't even take a picture of them. Sicily is known for its pistachios so we got some and some Pistachio pesto. Sarah wanted to try the pesto so we are going to have her apartment over for a dinner party one night and eat it all together.

 Alyssa and I had brought our own lunch (that we stole from the hotel at breakfast) so while everyone else went to a restaurant we walked to the end of this jetty. It was made of these huge concrete stones that looked like building blocks for giant babies.
After lunch time we went on a boat around the edge of the Island. It took us into different grottos (little caves on the water). They smelt of sulfer (eggs) so bad though, it made me nauseous. This one grotto looked like a heart!
We went swimming off of the boat. The water was really nice again and so clear! It must have been at least 30ft deep and we could see right down to the bottom.
After the boat we had free time and we went to the city center, walked around, I fell asleep on a bench and we saw a Caravaggio! One of his last.
 On Sunday we went to this town called Noto. The architecture was baroque and was beautiful.
This little man was riding around on the streets of Noto. It was a little electronic car that his dad was controlling. He even had a little sweater tied around his shoulders!
After Noto, bus to the train station, train, ferry, train, class, nap time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

qualcosa sognare di

i figured since you said you were day dreaming the other day, i'd give you something to dream about ; )

Saturday, September 25, 2010


i love you baby. sorry for being stressful. i got your puzzle today. it made me smile. love you. have a good night. be safe. talk to you when i can.

Friday, September 24, 2010

i love you

hey baby,  i gotta go to evan's now for band practice. but if you get a chance, can you write me a blog. that way i know you made it back ok. i love you baby, and you're always in my thoughts. miss you soo much. call me, or skype me, or email me, or leave me a post. can't wait to see you again.
love you abby,

Simply Amazing

Thats awesome baby, i'm looking at a map right now. thats so far. and thats awesome that alyssa brought her computer. i wish i could be with you. me and evan practiced some stuff last night. and we're gonna practice again today. we're really nervous. the shows next weekend! and we still have to put songs together! i wish you could be here for it. i'm trying to get elvis and jessie to come down. that'd be awesome. i miss you a lot baby. hope you're having fun. can't wait to talk to you again and hear all about your adventure.
p.s. i'll have skype open, and my phone next to me at all times. and if i end up going to evan's i'll call you first. love you abigail ruby

I'm on the otherside of the country!

You should definitely look on a map and see how far Sicily is from Florence. Cause its FAR. The train ride was ok, kinda like being on an airplane, I didnt sleep that much though. It was really rainy and cloudy here but still beautiful. It really is crazy how I have a vacation every weekend, everyday. I miss you baby. Alyssa brought her computer! and she has internet everywhere! Thats how Im writing this now, suprise! Maybe She'll let me skype you later... I'll call you though if not. Im not sure when, were going to dinner now, so it will prob be around 11 or 12. I can't wait to tell you more about my day. I had the best cannoli ever. i wish i could have mailed you and Jesse one... I guess you'll just have to come here.

Love you lots and lots, I hope you had a good night and day, Talk to you soon, I ruff you too!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

i'll wait for you

but community shows tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i'll wait for my baby girl so we can watch them together.
i RUFF you sooooo much!

love you

i hope you have an amazing time in sicily baby. i just worry about you sometimes. its really hard knowing i can't be there, protecting you. please just be careful and aware of everything. i love you and i'm jealous you get to go on vacation every weekend. its truly amazing and i hope you appreciate it. i'll be thinking about you always, and missing you. wish i could be with you. love you, have fun and be safe.

love love love love you abigail,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i miss you baby

i know i tell you everyday. but its true i love you and i miss you. just walking around my house, i can't help but think how nice it would be if you were just here with me. i just try to talk it one day at a time, but its still hard thinking about how long its gonna be til i see you again. i just can't wait to sleep with you again. and just go places with you. just to be with you and hold you and kiss you. i can't wait baby. i really wish you could be here for my birthday, but it will still be nice to have you here for the holidays. love you baby, can't wait to see you again.

The end of a LONG day

Hi My Loveliest! I'm home now, eating dinner and studying for my Italian quiz tomorrow. I love you lots and lots, please call whenever!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i love you baby

and you love me
enough said : )

Sorry to leave in such a hurry

I hate leaving on a bad note. I shouldn't have just given up on our conversation so quick. I get frustrated when you aren't excited for me or happy, but I agree that I need to be more understanding of how things are from your perspective. I'm not mad at you at all, just sad that I made you upset. I am sad that we didn't get to talk long, and might not be able to talk later, but I was trying to encourage you not to be upset and to make sure you wouldn't not do stuff today because you just wanted to wait for me at your computer. Sometimes I think I'll be fine not talking to you, but thats just because I avoid thinking about things like that, and then when it happens I realize how upset I am not talking to you. Kinda like deciding to come here, and then only realizing once I got here how much it hurts.

Thank you baby, I love you the more,



as much as you get frustrated with me, i get frustrated with you and damn skype.
fine you wanna go out, but i try talking to you before and you're always just so distracted. i ask questions that you just don't answer sometimes. so i'll type them to you and you still won't acknowledge it. and i just figured you'd wear headphones so we could have a private conversation. its kind of weird thinking your roommates can hear everything i'm saying. and its just new to me because you would never go out on weekdays when you had school the next day. i might not know what it's like for you and how annoying i must get but at the same time i don't think you know what its like from this side. or maybe sometimes i wish you'd want to call me as bad as i want to call you. or sound disappointed if i had to go somewhere and you wouldn't be able to talk to me, or be excited cuz you know i'd call at a certain time, but then sad when i could only talk for 10 minutes. but it always seems like i'm the weak one who depends too much on you. plus you're gonna be gone the entire weekend and we're not gonna be able to talk, which is gonna suck so i'd want to talk when we can now. and i do want you to have a good time, but you already go out on the weekends that start on thursday, so  i just figured week nights you'd relax. sorry i can be such an asshole at times. but i wish we could just switch places every once in a while. and you are so good to me. and i'm not mad at you, i promise. and its ok if your mad at me. i'm just frustrated and i guess selfish.  and i shouldn't have even written this, but i love you. and just miss you a lot.

As if I'm not always thinking about you already, I was thinking about you

when i made this sprinkle bread with strawberry fluff.
love you baby!

Monday, September 20, 2010

wanna know what i did tonight?.....

are you sure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ok

i did dave's make up
he did mine
and we both did nolly's
just for fun.
it was a fun night.
i love you and miss you so much.

thank you baby

you are truly the nicest most amazing person i know. and i will never stop loving you.

this picture reminded me of you.

e Penso a te!

I think about you!

This is the love song we translated in Italian today. It was actually really fun, the whole class singing. Right away wanted to sing it to you. Its about how whatever I'm doing I think about you.

We're going to eat at ganzo tonight at 7 and then I'm going to go to that soccer thing, but I'll try to skype you before. Otherwise I'll prob be home around 10:30.

Love you with all my octopus heart,

the thing is

i realized it's hard for me, because like we were both saying before, i feel like i'm left out. like i'm missing out of all the things that you're doing. you know what i mean?  but it's ok. as long as i get to see you smile again. that's the best thing in the world baby. i can't wait to see you smile love.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In the Tunnel of Love!

and oooooh how you just make my day baby

i know what we're doing when we have our first kid

we're getting so old

so its 5 in the morning now, i'm very tired, and i love and miss you a lot. i went to chris's house for his birthday, and i had a lot of fun. i was a little hesitant at first because i didn't know what to expect, but it was i had a really good time. it was weird. when me and evan got there we were just in time for cake...YESSSSS. and chris was just like really hyper. i think he was excited to drink and to know what was gonna happen if he got drunk. so things started off slow. they did sort of make me feel excluded now and then when was evan was around. but eventually it went away. first of all, evan told the twins that i always get chris a banana and a brown crayon for his birthday. and its been an inside thing between the two of us for years. but of course they give him a brown marker and a banana, and i was trying to tell evan how its fucked up, just because they're definitely intruding. and it pissed me off because they didn't care that it bothered me. but whatever, it was bullshit. but we eventually started playing beer pong which was a lot of fun, because they all just play with water. so nobody was actually drinking when they lost so it was just more of a competitive thing. at one point i started betting "ghost money" like just imaginary money. but then it caught on. and everyone was betting ghost money, and the stakes got pretty high. me and chris's brother dave were on a team and had this really epic match against his older brother and his friend. it was awesome, it came down to one cup, i hit it and we went into over time. and then we won. it felt really good. and then we lost to chris's girlfriend and they're brother's girlfriend. so then someone thought it'd be smart to bet real money. and at one point it was the game of the night. me and dave vs evan and chris, again it was down to ONE CUP. and all together, there was 14 dollars ridding on the game. and me and dave won! it was awesome. i made 4 dollars out of it.  but i gave one to dave. and then they started rolling dice for money, so i thought fuck it, i'll try. and of course i rolled the lowest possible amount and lost. and evan won. and then i gave a dollar to chris's brother nick. he lost it. but paid me back, so i thought fuck it again, i'll try one more and gave chris my last dollar. so this was it. my last dollar. and everyone was playing. so there was 7 or 8 dollars up for grabs, just to roll dice. and evan rolls a 4,5,6. which drum roll an automatic win. so i didn't even get to roll. he won all the money just like that. and i watched him keep playing and he was up like 20 dollars at one point i think. it pissed me off so much, because its a game of complete luck. and he always fucking wins and i never do. i thought since i was being nice and giving chris and his brother a dollar, karma would pay me back but no. its so annoying, i hate evan's luck,  but i hate mine more. but anyway chris had like 5 or 6 beers by this point, and it was hitting him hard all of a sudden. and it was the first time he was drunk. he kept being like dude, i really respect you. and i'm sorry, like i didn't know if you'd be ok with this and all that. and i just kept telling him it was fine. but it was nice of him, and just really weird. he was definitely the last one any of us would ever think to see drunk. and he was always so against it. so it was just really weird. and it was just weird to feel like we were growing up. but he was soooooo funny at this point. i took so many videos on my phone of him. cuz he would just laugh at everything. and point a lot. and say "you know what i mean" like every other word. it was really fun. and i talked to his brothers a good amount, and didn't feel like i was left out really. and we took a lot of pictures. we took a lot of pictures of all of us flexing. it was funny and alllitttle bit gay, but fun. haha. but seeing nick and his girlfriend, and chris and his girlfriend. i missed you so much baby. and his little brother drove me home, and it might be just because its so late, but i really miss you. and thinking about how long its gonna be kills me baby. i really just wish you could come home tomorrow. i want to sleep with you and just hold you and kiss you. and i just want to be in your company. i hope you have a good day, and can't wait to see and talk to you again baby. miss you. love you. kiss kiss.

Saturday, September 18, 2010



Today was hard without you

Isaiah toes.
Fasting today reminded me of home a lot, of the times when we have celebrated it, hanging out at home and then gong to services in the evening. It especially reminded me of the time we spent yom kippur together, doing my art project out on the lawn at New Paltz.
Marty and I went to the Gardens again. It was really pretty, even though it was kinda rainy. We brought homework with us, and we're sitting next to this funny group of flirting Italian tweens. We talked about her Dad, who died when she was a Junior in High School from Brain Cancer. I have been kinda waiting for her to bring him so it was nice that she felt comfortable enough with me to talk. You guys kinda have similar situations, so I let her know about your dad, and told her that if she was ever having a bad day or needed to talk that she can come to me. It is still really hard for her too, she cried a little telling me today. And said that she had breakdowns that she can't control. She feels really guilty leaving her Mom at home while shes here, cause her Mom depends a lot on her for support. It was nice for me too to have someone to talk too, you know, cause sometimes I really want to help you but I don't know how. Everyone is different, I know, but it was a nice talk.
Miss you so much it hurts, I wish I could be there for you, especially so you wouldnt end up hanging out with drunk girls. I hope today is better,
Lots and Lots of Love,

love me some abby

wish you were here i wish i was with you

today was ok. it was really nice talking to you. i was so happy to hear you had a great day. you seemed really happy, and it was so nice to see you smile again. i think we're starting to figure this whole skype thing out, getting into a rhythm of some sort. i'm so jealous of you. and damn i wish i could be there with you. but after you left, the twins got beer and had some people over. these three girls. they actually weren't as annoying as most of the girls they have over. it was cool because smokes was hanging out with us and mal came over too. and its fun to mess with people when they're drinking. one of the girls, erin, tried paying for some of the beer and the twins didn't wouldn't take if from her, because they're stupid. because then they were complaining that smokes didn't pay, but the girls didn't have to? bull shit. so i took the five dollars from her. because at one point in the night she was talking about some girl and called her a dirty nigger. so i jumped over a chair and put her in a sweet choke hold, and choked her out until she apologized. so i felt like i could take her money and it'd be fair. but everyone was like duuuuuuudeeee you better not of taken it. so i gave it back to her. bull shit. but she was very sorry. but the RAs eventually came and we had to all leave. so me and the twins walked the girls back. and erin was really drunk and annoying at this point, and the other two were kind of drunk too.  its just weird to feel like you're the only responsible one. like i'm watching over them ya know? we finally got to state quad and the erin didn't want to go to bed yet, so she stayed outside with the twins and i went in with the other two and took erin's card so i could swipe me some food. so i got food, and the girls went to their room. and then i gave erin her card back,  but they were all still like hanging out with a bunch of drunk freshmen outside. i just wanted to get back to the room sooooo bad and get to sleep. but of course it didn't work like that. they kept talking to people. and drunk people are soo annoying. this one group of guys were walking buy and started yelling shit to erin. like oooooh she's so beautiful and blah blah. and wouldn't shut up. and i was just like heeeyyy. just relax a little. and of course they had to say shit. and one dude was like i'll fuck you up. i'll fight you right now. but i just ignored him. but they all came up to me and tried taking my board and shit. and i was just like nah dude. and they were like why can't i ride it, cuz i'm black? and stupid shit like that. and it was just annoying and i just wanted to go back. some people ended up comming out and yelling at us for being too loud. so we just tried to get erin to go to sleep, but when she went inside she said she lost her suny card and her credit card. so another fucking hour of searching for her shit. and she was bugging out and shit. she found her credit card which was good but she couldn't find her suny card. so she came all the way back to empire with us to look. and it was already like 4 in the morning. and once we got here i realized it would be impossible for it to be here, because i used her card to swipe food back at state. but anyway she didn't end up finding it and she went back to her place and i'm tired. and i'm really tired so sorry if this doesn't make sense. and sorry for hanging out with other girls even though i give you so much shit for even being around other guys. i'm not fair sometimes. but they were just here. and none of them compared to you even in the slightest bit. and i talked about you a lot. and i know i'm just rambling. but i'm tired. and i just want you to know that i love you more than anything. and i miss you soo much baby. let me know when you're free. goodnight/ good morning. i hope you have fun.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Today was a great day!

I RODE A VESPA! Alyssa rented one for the day and she drove me around. So much fun! With the wind blowing and the lights flying by. Sorry I told you I wouldn't get on one, but Alyssa is a good driver.
Today was a really great though. I was a little tired when I woke up (I had the weirdest dreams about Marty and True Blood) but I had a cappuccino and was fine. We went to the market and got two types of cheese, pears and bread oh and some dried fruit. Chris, Andrea, Sarah, Jess, and Christina came to Fiesole too. It took us a while to find the bus but it was only a 1.20! and only took like twenty mins. Angie and this girl Colleen walked up! They said it took them 3hrs, I was really impressed that they actually did it. Maybe another day ill try too.
When we got there we went to this little church art museum, that was interesting. AND then we visited these Etruscans and Roman ruins! They were awesome! There was an amphitheater, and Roman Baths and a temple. And we climbed all over them and it felt like narnia (like we had come back after being gone for centuries). Its just so cool to think about the Romans that sat in that very place, or the ceremonies that have taken place there, so crazy.
Then we had our picnic up the hill a little bit. The view was incredible and the food was   so   good. The sweet pear and the salty cheese together was so good. I couldn't be happier, unless you were there. Then we went to this little church up on the hill. It had a mini cloister and a mini pulpit. And in the basement it had this exhibit on ancient Chinese and Egyptian artifacts, including a mummified cat! It was nice to see something besides Italian Renaissance.
Then we went back home and I rode the Vespa for a little and then we got the most amazing pizza!
After that we vespa'd over to Chris's apartment, got kinda lost but it was just nice driving around. I feel so cool and Italian just carrying around the helmet. On the way back we got lost again but found this happening Italian club and chilled there having good conversation with each other, and I killed a snail, CRUNCH! Super ready for bed, but love talking to you and seeing you and wish I could mail you this pizza.

ok love

well i'll be around i guess. i'm going home soon i think. and then i think i might go to evans for a little bit. so i guess just let me know when you're home. and if i don't answer before you go to sleep just give me a call. i love you baby. i hope you have a good day.


Just letting you know were heading out to eat some pizza! and then hang out at andreas! Have aggod day love you ots. I'll call when i get home. Cant wait to tell you about my day
Lots and lots of love,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I shaved up and i'm looking for some nice clothes, and i'm gonna dress up. you should wear something nice too. i love you. and i'm excited.

it says you're not on skype

Quick Hi!

Hey! Im on my break from class, I didnt have time to read all that you wrote but I am glad your writing so much. Thats so exciting about Saint ROSE! Youre making it happen! I am proud of you, I could never do waht you do, especially get in front of everybody and pour my soul out like you did at the muddy cup. I wish wish wish I could be there. Love you so much. Im not going out tonight. I am so tired and I have a quiz tomorrow I have to study for. Ill be back in my apartment prob around ten or 9:30. Talk to you soon!

Love you lots, Abigail

Quick Hi!

Hey! Im on my break from class, I didnt have time to read all that you wrote but I am glad your writing so much. Thats so exciting about Saint ROSE! Youre making it happen! I am proud of you, I could never do waht you do, especially get in front of everybody and pour my soul out like you did at the muddy cup. I wish wish wish I could be there. Love you so much. Im not going out tonight. I am so tired and I have a quiz tomorrow I have to study for. Ill be back in my apartment prob around ten or 9:30. Talk to you soon!

Love you lots, Abigail

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I love my Ruby!

i miss you a lot baby.  and please look at these posts just like you said, like my own journal entries. whatever i write is just how i'm feeling at that time and it makes it easier just to write it out and then i have time to relax afterward. i love you and i'm excited to talk to you and for our date. just hanging out here, every little thing makes me miss you. i wanted to get some ice cream and just watch some tv, we still have the same ice cream that you had some of one of the last nights you were here. i just miss how we would stay up and watch tv and all of that. and if you're going out on school nights that you have to wake up before 9 the next day, then i'm sure when you come home you'll have no problem staying up with me.
but anyway, today was ok. the twins got the new halo game yesterday so they were up all night playing it, and i wanted to go to bed at like 12 but they were playing it until like 3:30. and they were in the living room so i couldn't sleep until they were done. and dick evan just shut his door and went to bed a lot earlier so i couldn't go in there to sleep on his floor. i swear he thinks about only him self wayyy too much. my plan was to catch an early bus and just get home and talk to you with out any of their distractions. but evan went to class, and the twins were gonna go to the gym, so i decided to go with them. keep in mind no one offered me food. so i was starving, but i don't want to miss out on chances to work out so i went with them. i wanted to eat like a sandwich before but they were in such a rush and i can't get in with out them. so we went, and i worked out my chest and triceps. tried working out my abs but i was so hungry it hurt way to much. but when we were there, there was this guy being like a personal trainer for i'm guessing his girlfriend. it made me miss you a lot and want to go to the gym with you. it was an o.k. workout, but the twins are always in such a rush. so i decided to just take my time, and that's why i ended up missing my first bus. and then they were supposed to go with evan to the campus center to get food. but evan came back to the room and they had an argument, because they can't do anything with out him, and he secretly loves the power of that. but i was starving so i finally made a peanut butter and fluff sandwich, and they finally went to the campus center. got food and didn't offer me any. i was always taught how rude it was to eat in front of people. it was just kind of annoying. i was happy to finally leave. i sorta want to just stop going there for a while but its hard because i have no where else to go it feels like. i'm just always struggling to find people who really understand me. thats why i have a hard time with you being gone. because a lot of times it feels like you are the only one who gets me. or thats why i love going to boston too. and it was so nice of you to give me that money. i wish i never bought those calling cards. and i always just feel like i'm stuck in between everything. i do want to get a job, but i'm afraid then i won't be able to go to boston. and i still haven't given up on italy either. and i want to go to boston now, but evan says we need all this time to practice for a show that if you keep reading you'll see. but if i don't go i feel like i'm stuck in my room jail cell until then.  i'm just very lonely without you. i wish soooooo much that i could be in italy with you. i wish i could have gone on the trip with you. i could have had my own apartment, and just walk to yours every day. and we could share the same friends and all go out together. and we could dance together at the clubs. and sleep together. and go on crazy trips and see all the beautiful things together. and go on a cruise, and it'd feel like living a fairy tale. it makes me tear up just thinking about how bad i wish that. but thats not how it worked out. but dave finally brought me home, and i talked to you almost as soon as i walked in the door.
but after we talked, i grabbed my board and went around the neighborhood for a while. it was dark again and kind of scary. but it was ok. i went all the way to latham ridge and back. it just helps. i talked to evan a little off and on about the twins friend's party in buffalo. he's putting a lot of pressure on us to play his party. but evan really doesn't want to because it's so far away. i'm fine either way, but i'm kind of leaning to not playing because of how far away it is too. but in better news, john alund called evan and said there's this thing at st. rose called rocktober. and its they're like fall music event. and he said they had a meeting today about who should play it. and he said he threw our name out there, played a.l.o.n.e. and they absolutely loved it. so we're playing at st. rose's music event. it might be outside! and i think we're gonna have a big stage. and we're not opening. we actually are playing later on. there might be like hundreds of kids... hopefully. but i'm really not sure what to expect. but the people who are head lining are called railbird. and they're actually opening up for phantoram in boston on the 22nd. i'm really excited and really nervous. its only in 3 weeks! i wish you could be here baby, i really do. even the muddy cup was hard without you cheering me on. and i hope you are proud of me for getting up there by myself and doing some hip hop, that the crowd wasn't ready for. so you know if i'm on a real stage, i'm just gonna be looking out into the crowd wishing so much it was you i was looking at.
and now i'm here, 1:30 in the morning wishing i could talk to you again. thats why i wrote so much. sorry you have to read this plus my post from earlier today, and the one from yesterday. but it just helps and thats why we made this blog right? i also stubbled a lot wasting time. i found this one thing that said some scientist made this song, that has subliminal sounds in it, that make women's brains think of children and their breast fill, and can become a whole inch bigger from just listening to it everyday. i'll have to find it and send it to you.
jk, you are beautiful and sexy the way you are. STRONG SEXY CONFIDENT
i love you abby ruby. always and forever.

excited for our date

hey baby. i wish all of this could be easier. but the past couple of times we've talked have been so frustrating i've ended up being sadder when we were done talking. i just want to be able to hear about your day and tell you about mine. or else things become so far in the past, that you're reading about what i did two days ago. and you always want me to do my own thing instead of wondering when you're gonna call. but its a lot harder than you think. if i just went out, we'd never be able to talk because of the time difference. i would go to chris's and probably not come back til 10, which would be 4 in the morning for you. and i want to make sure we at least get to talk. i still want you to be able to do your own thing, but i don't get why it would be a problem to talk before you go out. i just want time to move a little faster. i will always love you. and i understand its not so easy for you, so i'm always trying to keep that in mind. just as long as you keep in mind what its like for me on this side. where i'm not going out with a bunch of friends every single night, and i don't have plans do go on cruises or see amazing pieces of art. and i don't want to fight or make you feel bad, i just want you to know this isn't easy. for either of us. just enjoy italy with out stressing out. i love you and miss you baby.

Monday, September 13, 2010

midnight skater

hey ruby!
i meant to tell you that i loved how you wrote that earlier.  it was nice talking to you today. your roomates are really cool and it felt like we were all hanging out. its gonna be cool next semester when might see each other on campus. and thanks for your support and hers for my hip hop. its hard for me to find people who enjoy hip hop or care about me being able to rap. so it really meant a lot. so after i talked to you me and evan went to the muddy cup. we got there a little before 730, which is sign up time, and there was like no one there. last time me and evan did open mic it was extremely crowded. i guess they switched the people who usually do it. but we met some other kid there who was performing there too, and he said a lot of people sign up online now and they come in later or some shit. he was pretty cool. so i finally signed up, and there still wasn't too many people there. and i ended up going first. its always weird, cuz my body is nervous, like my legs shake and stuff. but i don't feel nervous. i just went and performed. i hooked the computer up and remembered every word. and felt good being at the mic again. its always kinda hard when you aren't in control of the sound and stuff. but all in all i think i did a good job. people clapped and i heard one girl say it was really catchy. but no one came up to me or anything. i was hoping it'd be just like last time when people asked me how long i've been writing and stuff. but i'm glad i did it and didn't back out. after i went, evan kept saying he really wish he had done it and said he was gonna do it next week. so it was cool to think i did it on my own with out evan or anyone. my idea was to try to do it like every week or every other week, that way i would be forced to write a new song every week. so we'll see. evan didn't record it, but he took pictures so i'll put them up when i can. but i do wish you were there. and then after that i was fucking starving so we went over to burger king and i got some food. and then we came back to empire, where everyone was watching football so that was pretty boring for me. but everyone keeps on betting on games and shit. and evan of course made 20 bucks tonight. i always wish i could make some quick cash like that, but i know i better now test my luck. but it was kind of bored so i decided to go out and skate. so i went by my self all around campus. skating is really freeing. especially on my new board. and when its night time and cool out. its almost like a stress reliever. it was pretty dark so it was kind of dangerous and it was only a matter of time until i fell. so after like 20 minutes i went down a path i've never been on. it was just a straight road, but there was no lights on. an other dragon's eye moment, when i was riding at that very time, i remembered about kerri and i was thinking about if i fell right now what would i do. and literally right then i hit a pot hole and my board stopped completely and i went flying forward and rolled. i'm fine, but it was kind of scary. i just got up and shook it off though and kept on riding. on the ride, i started to think of some lyrics so i got excited to come back and work on some music. and i'm really tired too. i kind of just wanna go to sleep early and head back home. i miss you so much baby. sorry its hard for me to think about trips you might go on. but it just reminds me of when you went to israel for 10 days. those 10 days felt like forever. so on top of you already being gone, it just feels like you're leaving again. and thinking about not being able to talk to you. i just feel like i'm not going to be able to do it. i just wish i could do these super amazing things with you. it kind of makes me feel like shit that i can't. you know? its just hard to feel like i can do something for you thats still gonna be breath taking. but i guess i'll have to think of something right? can't wait to talk to you again. love you baby. good night/ good morning. kiss kiss.



Class today was really good. The only people added to my class were the three I was hanging out with all weekend, so that was a nice suprise! AND the second half of class is only 30mins on mondays and on Tuesdays we watch a movie! It was such a relief that we don't have to stay until 2:30. Today the lecture was about the Holocaust and it tuned out to be kinda insulting and offensive. I think it was just because the teacher didn't know english very well, but she was talking to us like we didn't know what the holocaust was, and kept saying things like, "I'm not making this up." We're watching a movie in Italian about WWII in Italy and the Holocaust tomorrow, which is supposed to be really good, and is why we had the lecture today. Apparently after the midterm the class is going to be all in Italian! But it will be ok cause everybody is going to be in the same boat.
After class I got my Art history book and Ive just been sitting here reading it and doing online things. It is thunderstorming here! Which I like. I think its time for my siesta, but I'll leave my computer on, please call when you can!
We're having Deanna's apartment over for dinner, Chicken and Pasta, should be fun :)
Love and miss you,
Abigail Ruby

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My apartment from across the river


I love the drawing! It looks great, especially with the markers. You can tell that you are getting really good at using them. We should frame that. I can't believe you were up so late, I wish I had checked my computer this morning, at least to say hi.
 I was kinda in a rush this morning anyway. We got up kinda early you know, and I really didn't want to wake up, but I told myself it would be worth it, just laying on the beach all day sounds so relaxing. SO we went to the train station, caught the train, and the two cities outside of Florence (about an hour later) the train just stops at a station and doesn't move again. Turns out there was a strike. Boo! They told us that happens a lot in Italy, the conductors just decide to stop working and it could be an hour or three days until they start running normally again. But it made me so mad, all I wanted to do was sit by the beach and go in the ocean, and we had already paid for the train ticket. Luckily that girl Katie and her roomates happened to be on the train too, so we all tried to figure out what to do together. We found out that no trains or buses were going to be going to the beach until 6 at night! And then we missed the last train back to Florence! Luckily there was a bus back to Florence that only cost 3 euro. But what a bummer way to spend the morning/afternoon. Definitely not ideal.
When I got back though I took a towel to the top of the roof an just laid out, reading my book for a while, which was just what I would have wanted to do at the beach. I might have time to go for a run later too now! It is so beautiful here, I can't wait to talk to you today. Wake up soon please! I think I am going to take a nap right now with little isaiah.  love you baby, it is getting harder and harder everyday to be without you, which makes me really scared, im actually starting to tear up now just thinking about it, but I'm going to try not to think about it, ok?
 Love you lots and lots and lots,

sooooo i didn't go to sleep and its almost 630 AM

i just got so caught up in this drawing. i decided to just use markers. but i hope you like it. love you baby. good night.

and also....

this is for you.

its still kind of rough

it doesn't look as good on the computer because i just took a picture through photo booth. but this is it so far.

hi baby

even writing to you feels good. i'm really happy to hear you had a good day. i love the pictures you put up. i'm really jealous i couldn't be there. especially for the bike ride. you know how much i love riding bikes with you. i can't wait to see more pictures. its always really nice to see you and talk to you. especially with some of the things you were saying to me this time. ; ) but after we were done talking, me and evan went over to chris's house, but only for like an hour if that. i was really tired and just sort of wanted to go home. i almost fell asleep at like 10, but i don't know why i'm like this but i forced my self to stay up. its actualy almost 5 in the morning here, so you probably already caught your train. but anyway when i got home, it felt nice to be back. i still felt a little sad but i just watched some tv and went online for a while. it was nice to see my mom and the kids and julius. nolly was still at work, and of course his car broke down again. he's really stressed out, and everyone just keeps saying how much money they need. it sucks. keep praying for a miracle you know? at one point i was in the kitchen and i heard a girl come in, and julius was like oh he's right in the kitchen (because he thought i was nolly) but for a split second, i thought it was you who came in and you were looking for me and my heart jumped. but it turned out to be dave's girlfriend who was just waiting for dave to get out of work. and he eventually came over to, and brought me his old wheels. so now my board looks really cool cuz it has big red wheels. it kind of looks like a watermelon now, nolly pointed out. but it rides really nice. but while i was putting the wheels on, dave and his girlfriend were all over each other. she was on top of him right next to me. reminded me of the people you saw on the bus. so it sucked seeing all that because of course it made me miss you. but also when i went to let charlie out, it was cold outside and so the air was so crisp. there was leaves all over the ground and it smelled so much like fall. which i like, but at the same time it kind of makes me sad for some reason. apple picking has been brought up a couple times already, and i wish you could be here for that. sorry i'm writing so much btw. but i forgot to tell you that, the same night jackie called me crying about her mom and what not, it was late and dark out. and me and nolly heard this weird sound coming from the path. it was just like this yellping. over and over. and it was just echoing through the night sky. it was really creepy. so me and nolly skated over there, and it got louder and louder til we were right in front of the path. and it was pitch black, and we only had one little flash light. which just made it creepier with a little light moving around making shadows crawls and shit. so it sounded like it was right in front of us. and as soon as we took a step in the path, the sound just stopped completely. it was real weird. and we never knew what it was. but my moms was just telling me that some of the neighbors saw coyotes near the path! scary shit. so the kids get driven over from their friends house when its late out. but nolly was pretty stressed and we actually ended up talking and stuff tonight. we skated over to price chopper, despite the possible rabid coyote. and i saw chris's little brother there too actually. that was cool. and me and nolly bought some soda and ice tea mix and crackers. and i ended up just splitting all of it cuz i felt bad since he was having money problems and he pays my phone bill. and i guess once you turn 22, you don't get the 300 dollars a month from my dad. of courseeeeeeee. so shits been rough. we bought a scratch off to try our luck. but nothing. and we talked the whole time we skated. and then we ate dinner together. it was good. and then i just chilled here for a little. but i ended up reading through all our skypes when i was finally releasing something...and i found all these old jokes that we used to say and stuff. it was nice. shekissyou? im a guuerrrillllaaaaa. and the other day when i was going through old photos, you had an album called little lawn mowers. remember when i used to pretend to be a little lawn mower? those were funny things. i love you soo much baby. and i started a drawing of you that i'm going to water color it soon. but call me whenever you can. i hope you have a lot of fun. miss you babe.

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's a new day!

I love how you can go to sleep and when you wake up it is a whole new day, to do whatever you want, feel however you want, so many possibilities. I read your blog, did you tell me that you used glassface's turn table? I think you did but I didn't realize. That's so awesome! Sorry the twins and everybody was being annoying, just try to laugh at it instead of letting it get on your nerves. It was hard to pretend it was you saying i love you, cause it was a girl, but I tried, and it definitely helped, thank you. I feel much better today. I slept in until 1 today! And actually im still so tired I'm going to lay down for a nap after I write this. Chris, Ashley, Todd and I went to the Acadamia and it was cool. The David really is HUGE, but i think it just seems big because its inside, and was designed to be outside (on top of the Duomo). But it was done really well. His body actually reminds me a lot of your body. The also had this line of sculptures that Michelangelo never finished and the figures look like they are trying to break out of the stone- really cool. You can see his chinsel marks too which was interesting seeing his process. There was this special exhibit on marriage chests- miniatures that went on the outside of the chest. They were all these stories that had to do with love and commitment- like the story of Queen Esther, and other myths about women killing themselves to save their virtue after being raped, or their fathers killing them so they don't lose their virtue. Some of them were done by famous artists, like bottocceli, but I didn't think they were as good as their larger paintings, miniatures are really hard to do though. Also, in the museum was the plaster cast of the Rape of the Sabine Woman, one of my favorite sculptures, see the picture. It always breaks my heart when i see it, because the face of the man watching his woman being taken is so touching and emotional, you can just tell has done all he can do to save her and the expression captures the moment of their last glances at each other so well. Its so sad. And the twisting composition and balance is great too. I can't wait to see more art! We also stopped off at this square church that was pretty intersting inside, cause most churches are cross shaped. There is this great gothic tabernacle there to, it is so shiny and ornate (see above). Ok nap time, I going to leave my computer open on skype, so call whenever! Love you!

my day

hi baby. i figured i'd let you know about my day since it was so hard to talk today. i woke up around 11 30 i think and everyone here just sorta just hung out. i kept trying to get us to like get out and do something. play a sport or something but everyone was lame. so we just sat around forever. that movie freedom writers was on with hillary swank. so we made scrambled eggs and sat around. i was trying to watch it but they were all doing this stupid fantasy football draft, so they kept yelling and shit. and i kept being like yo could you guys not be so loud cuz i was trying to watch the movie, but of course they didn't give a fuck. but if they were watching a movie and i was being loud...pshh forget about it. they'd flip shit. it sucks that this is the place i come to, to get away but i get so annoyed by them. and its hard being the only black one. cuz i can just pick up on these hints of racism and ignorance from them. little things they say when we were watching freedom writers. but anyway after we ate me the twins and mal went to the gym. i finally worked out my legs. no more chicken legs for me! but mal's cousin showed up so they left like right away, but i made sure i finished my workout. and then it was like 4ish i think. i kept checking skype but i couldn't catch you at the right time. and then we went to walmart so they could "grocery shop". i'm happy i don't live with them. it just wasn't fun and they get the weirdest shit. but whatever. then we came back and i think thats when we talked first. it really hurt to see you cry. i wish i could be there just to hold you. make things better. and then i talked to glassface online and he said he could get us this new music program he had. so we went to his house and it was pretty awesome. since he's just living alone he had a studio set up in one room. with like a really big couch and the mic in the closet, and a turntable and keyboard and stuff. it was really cool being there. made me want to work on stuff. and he let me use his turntable. and i felt really cool messing around with it. if only i had some money. it was like 500 dollars i think. some day. and then i stopped back home to get my chargers some clothes and some rice and chicken. i saw my brother and sister. they started school the other day. they said they liked it. and carlota took some test for learning disabilities. so we just gotta wait on the results. and then i came back here with evan, and i finally got to talk to you! wow baby i love you so much, you're just so pretty. i can't wait to see you again babe. i miss you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

i learned how to email pictures from our phone!!!!

just pretend its me


whats going on baby?

it keeps saying you're not on skype. and my phones dead and i don't have my charger so i can't call you. maybe if you move to the other spot. i just want to talk to you. i don't like to see you cry. i want to make it better. i'll wait on skype. if you don't feel comfortable talking, you can type it to me. i love you sooooo much baby. skype me when you can. or leave me a message.

I'm feeling all this pressure and its stressing me out, I don't know why I can't relax and i just need you to talk too

We've been trying to plan trips for the break all evening and for some reason its really getting to me. It's so confusing and no one is helping me and I just don't know what to do. I'm just sitting here crying I feel so stressed out. But i don't know why im letting it get to me. Help!

i love you/ song of the day 

going to the palazzo pitti with chris and then dinner at ganzo but i will check to see if your on inbetween, otherwise talk to you later my love. missing you a lot today.

Hi! Good Morning! I didn't have time to read your blog but I just wanted to let you know that Alyssa and I are going to the market and then going to a run we should be back in like 2 hrs. Love you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


hey baby! i'm still missing you and thinking about you all the time. it was nice to talk to you again. i really like how skyping is working out. its soooo much better than calling. coordinating times is the only hard part. but its worked out good so far. i just get nervous for the weekends being hard if we don't get to talk. just remember you don't have to go absolutely everywhere. just don't stress your self out about it.

but anyway after we got done talking we went over to mal's room to hang out since it was gonna be his birthday. the plan was to go to the restaurant/bar across the street from the school, get some wings and wait til 12 so mal could get his first beer. but we ended up going over at like 9, so we were at that place for  hours. but it ended up being pretty fun. wings were only 35cents so me and gene got 10. so i only had to pay 3 dollars. which was pretty good. it was just the twins, evan, steve, mal and kojack. the wings were pretty good too. we had this whole back room to our selves. but then when it got a little later we were moved over to the bar. which was pretty cool cuz i was at a bar. but i guess you've already done that. i still just wanna be able to experience something new with you. i wanna get my life together. get my license, a job, and just back on my feet. so i hope i'm moving in the right direction. but anyway i'm getting off track. so yeah we were moved to the bar. oh and before that i bet everyone i could lick a plate of hot sauce clean for a couple bucks, i looked pretty stupid and kind of regret it. but it was a dollar less i had to pay. we also shot some darts, and then it was midnight and mal was so excited to just buy his first beer. even though he was drinking the whole time before that. but he got his beer, and then they bought him a disgusting shot of just a bunch of gross liquors. and then some kid at the bar who was just being an ass bought him one too, just to make him drink gross shit. and then kojack and steve wanted to get him more, and he was almost begging them not to buy it cuz he was already feeling sick. but of course they kept pressuring him cuz they're stupid. so he took a couple more shots and then we finally got out of there after like 3-4 hours. and then we stopped by mals room. i started bagging up all his beers and shit, cuz i'm gonna bring in everyone's cans in. i don't remember if i told you that. but we have a pretty good amount back in evan's building. and they would never bring it in. but this dude has the nerve to tell me he wants a cut of it. like dude its gonna be only a couple of bucks, that he definitely doesn't need at all. and he's not gonna be nice enough to let me just have it. really pissed me off. hes starting to get on my nerves again, which kind of sucks. and also he gets real picky about his computer charger. he'll never need it cuz his computer will already be charged, yet he'll still be like duuuude you really need to use it. so now my computer's dying. but i'll charge it again. i'm thinking about just going home tomorrow.
i keep watching music videos and hearing songs that make me miss you soo much. i can't wait til we're together again. i saw a girl playing basket ball with some dude, and it made me think of how we are when we're just messing around and stuff. which reminds me i wanna mess around with you. if you know what i mean. 3 months is a long time damn. anyway i wrote too much. but if i don't answer skype try calling me. i'm not sure what i'm doing i guess, but i really want to talk to you again. love you baby. goodnight/ good morning.
p.s. this is the song that made me miss you just now. pretty corny but still.

Secret Bakery

Alyssa and I just got back from the secret bakery and it was great. We weren't exactly sure where it was, but we knew it was off this one street. So we go down the alley, and we're not really sure if its right, but half way down we smelt it at the same time and it was so funny cause we both stopped talking and just looked at eachother and knew that we had smelt it. They were the freshest, warmest, dripping in nutella crossaints ever. It was just a opaque door with a sign, "Please be Quiet," and a man poked his head out and asked what kind of croissant we wanted. So good. The sweet of my new year.

can you go back online?

song of the day
its a good song by john legend ft. the roots and common and melanie fiona
has a good messasge, and it just sounds good. hope you like it.
here's the download link

my day

It was so nice to talk to you baby. i love when we get to skype for a long time. it feels like we're actually hanging out together. it makes me want to be with you soo bad though. but your room mates seem really nice and really cool. i'm happy you guys get a long. it reassures me a little that everything is good, and you're around good people. but anyway it really made my day to talk to you. and it made it feel like things will get easier. and i hope you like mimi's nick name. i like it. ruby... it sounds pretty just like you.

and after we talked i just sorta chilled around the house for a bit. i ate some salad, which was good and watched some tv. neither dan or chris ended up being able to do anything though. so i texted jessie and we played video games for a little. and then evan texted me saying he wanted to get some taco bell. so we got some food, i got the 2 dollar meal. trying not to spend any money. and then we came back to albany, which was kind of pointless, because he didn't want to do anything once we got here and he's got work from 11 to 4 tomorrow/ today for you. so it was kind of annoying, but it gives me something to do i guess. we tried working on some music a little, but we never get anywhere. but i did get more inspiration, and want to work on new songs. i have such good ideas, they're just so hard to execute.  but then everyone went to sleep. and i'm just chilling now in the living room now. i did 100 push ups and 100 sit ups though and heard some good music on the mtv u channel. but i don't have any plans for tomorrow either, just to work on music and art. one of the things that gets to me, is just seeing how amazing your days are, and how boring mine are. it kind of sucks. makes me feel like a loser almost. i know i shouldn't be comparing, but sometimes i get scared you'll come back from such a beautiful country, where there's something to do every single day, and something to see, and come back home and it just won't be able to compare to italy. but i know that isn't the case. just dumb worries. but tomorrow is the first day of a NEW YEAR! a lot of symbol in that huh? i'll continue to pursue my dreams and try to figure out money and jobs. don't give up on me coming to italy just yet. ok baby? its not impossible and i really hope i can do it. i love you baby
good luck tomorrow. i know services are gonna be a little extended for the holiday and its gonna be kind of annoying with the  extended repetition of the Amidah prayer for both Shacharit and the longest Mussaf of any holiday and all that. but shana tova or should i say shana tova umetukah, for a good sweet year. haha. save me some honey and apples.
love you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


and its......................................................RUBY


So I had a pretty good day today. I was going to wake up early and go to the market and go running, but I was way to tired and had been way to ambitious to think those things could happen before 8 o'clock. But that turned out to be fine! For the second half of Italian class today we went to the market! It was so awesome and cheap. The meat stalls were pretty gross (pig feet and pig noses) but the veggies and fruit and bread all looked so good. I got some figs that were so fresh and delicious. There was a bread stall were they had biscotti samples and that were so good (I tried one of each and then some.) I got the best foccia there and some gnocci (little pastas with potatoes inside) that I plan on making for dinner some time. The foccia was already half gone by the time I got back home.
I hung out a little with that other Jewish girl I met and we plan on going to Chabad tomorrow to celebrate rosh hashanah together! I got my book for class and it was only 16 euro, which seems so much cheaper than textbooks at home.
When I did get home, I decided to go for a running photography before my next class! And it was AWESOME! I felt so cool and it was a really great way to explore the city more. I love running with no destination and with no map. It makes me feel so free. I think the pictures turned out pretty cool too. I don't ever want to go anywhere with out my camera here.
Then, when I was walking to my class later, these two Italian girls asked me to take their picture in Italian, and then when I said, "yeah, sure" they asked me again in english, so that makes me think that they thought I was Italian to begin with, which made me feel so good! Thinking back on it, I wish I had tried to have a conversation with them in Italian, like asked them where their from (Dove se?) and other things I remember from my class.
Watercoloring today was actually the opposite of fun. I almost feel asleep in my chair I was so tired. And it was boring and long and blah, but I think it will get better.

Check out these pictures!