Monday, November 22, 2010

this was my weekend

So Neil got here on Thursday night. We just went to Gusta Pizza and hung out at Andrea's for a little but. Then on Friday we met up early and walked around the leather market. it was pouring rain all day, which made things a little difficult, but kinda fun too. Chris and I got these little leather coin purses in the shape of a cat for Claire and Lauren. And for lunch we went to the food market. Sarah got tripe (sheep stomach)! I tried it. It actually didn't taste that bad, the texture was just to weird for me. Chewy and membraney. We walked around Florence a little bit more and then went to the Uffizzi. It was fun showing neil around. Then we hung out at chris's apartment and dried our socks. And we went to eat at this restaurant called Casalingua it has good italian food for cheap. I got tortellini with a ham and cream sauce. real good. Then we went to Andrea's apartment and hung out and drank. Louis's friend that is studying abroad, Michelle came over too, cause she knows neil. She was cool, I was glad I got to meet her. We were there for a while but then went to a couple clubs and bars. We ended up at this place called Lochness Lounge. Neil really wanted to dance though, so after everybody else went home we went to this other club astor. There was like no one else there, except for a small group of girls dancing and this really really old man that was dacning too! it was so funny, but mostly weird. He had mom jeans on and his "dancing" was mostly him rubbing his crotch and swaying his hips and then flailing his arms around. He then was trying to teach neil how todance which was even funnier. We left pretty soon after we got there. Chris kept asking the DJ to play Telephone, but he never did.
On Saturday we went to Ganzo for brunch, which was ok, not great. The pancakes didnt taste like pancakes. Then we went and climb the duomo, and even though i had done it before it was still amazing. Walking up the stairs reminds me how much history is there. Then after that we went up to Piazza Micheangelo, just in time for sunset since it sets so early now. But it was too cloudy to really see anything. We went it this one church that was almost pitch balck inside. really scary. Then we went back to my apartment and made dinner! Andrea and Sarah came over too. Then we went back to chris's apartment and hung out and watched Easy A. So tired, went to bed, got up to take neil to the train station, went back to sleep, and then made cheesecake!

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