Friday, October 22, 2010

i am still in shock

its just like last night when you called, and i didn't believe it. it felt so amazing to know you were calling. it really grateful for little things like this. it feels like good things come to those who wait type of thing. i was really sad, thinking i wouldn't be able to hear your voice for the next ten days, and i was really sad just lying in my bed cuz usually i'd wait for you to call in the morning, and knowing you weren't just made everything feel like it was dragging on and on. but i ended up falling asleep at like 12, and then i woke up confused like an hour later, and then i feel asleep again. and woke up again confused, and then i heard the skype sound just by chance. cuz my computer wasn't even plugged into the speakers and i just thought it was something else. and it was you!!!!!!! and i was so happy, i felt wide awake. thank you and thank marty for calling me. tomorrow i might go back to chris's and evan wanted to take some  pictures at some point too. but i will keep my skype open at all times. and i know i'm really hard on you about going out and stuff. its just cuz its hard for me to imagine and all that. its just so hard for me not to be there it kills me. but at the same time i understand you want to enjoy your self. and if marty has no one else to go out with, i don't want you not to go just because of me. i love you so much baby. it was amazing to hear your voice.
p.s. it's nice to hear you're rooming with just girls!!!!!!

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