Sunday, October 31, 2010


I never want to take it off! Im gonna keep it on just to show you in the morning. I love you so much, I hope you have a scary halloween! don't eat too many brains, you'll get a stomach ache

love you for your looks and your braaaaaiiiiiiiiinsssssssssssss

have fun toinght. be careful. love you. talk to you when i can. kiss kiss

Look what I got you (but mostly for Little Isaiah)

Look what I found in Paris!

 Only 200 euros...
And there was this cool jacket there too. It was in the Adias store on that street tour de france ends at. The store was really cool. So many shoes and soccer gear. They had all the different soccer  ball designs from the world cups.

happy halloweeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn!!!!

hi baby, i hope your trip was the most amazing thing ever. i love you and miss you so damn much. its halloween today. i still haven't decided what we're gonna do today for sure. i'm really tired, and i've been up trying to get my computer to charge again! soooo, all that money i mysteriously had, disappeared all at once because i just bought a new charger online. so i guess i'll be staying in boston until i get the charger. sucks. a lot. but i gotta do what i gotta do i guess. but i'm writing this on jessie's computer, and he's got skype on it now too! so if you get home soon call me if i'm on. but i should really be going to sleep. so i can dream about you. i love you baby. have a safe trip back. kiss kiss.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

hi baby

i love you and miss you a lot. still thinking about you and your catwoman mask. tonight was fun. we got out of the house and thats all i really wanted. there wasn't any crazy people out like i thought though. only a couple people here and there had masks on. but we just went down to east boston and met up with jessie's friend and one of her friends. we just walked around and chilled. it was sooooooo cold though. it was crazy. and i went to check my account for the fuck of it, and there was like 60 somethin dollars in it!!!! i don't know whats going on, or where that money came from, but it was pretty awesome. i'm gonna check it again tomorrow to see if someone was playing a mean joke or something. but maybe i can get a small costume or something. i keep seeing people from back home putting up pictures, and it makes me kind of jealous and want to dress up. i love you. hope we get to talk soon. have an amazing day. love you. kiss kiss.

Friday, October 29, 2010


hey my sunshine. I hope you had a good night last night and that you have a good day today. I love you more than I like to breath. you are the best in the whole world don't ever forget it. going out to explore Paris now I will call you when we get back which might not be til late tonight. miss you and love you lots, Abby

Thursday, October 28, 2010

love you so much

i can't explain how much i miss you baby. its weird being here. i feel home sick, but don't wanna leave yet. and i feel like the days are going by too fast, but at the same time want them to. idk why i'm having such mixed feelings. i just want things to start working in my favor. i love you baby. and i can't tell you how happy i am going to be the day i see you get off that plane.

leaving for paris!

hey my love we are just eating Brady now. haha. and will be leaving soon. I love you so much and wish we could watch Halloween community all cuddled up together. I would wear my cat wan mask and we could see where it takes us... I'll call you when we get there! have a god night love. love you lots and lots.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

community is playing their halloween episode this thursday!!!!!!

come home so we can watch them together!

kittens with fainting goat syndrome

i got it working baby

i stayed up forever trying to get it to work, and in the morning it turned back on. did you get my text message? how'd you know it wasn't working? i love you though, and you can call me whenever you want. love you baby.

I'm sorry about your computer baby

hey. maybe you could try to take it to the mac store? I hate that these things alwayS happen to you. don't stress out though, ok? we will figure it out. can you use Jessies phone to leave me messages? I love you so much baby. don't get discouraged.

Monday, October 25, 2010

jessie's internet might get cut off :(

his mom didn't pay the bill, so it might get turned off tomorrow. i'm not sure yet, and i really really hope not. but if so, i'll let you know as soon as i figure out what we'll do about it. i love you and hope you're having an amazing time. and if i'm never on, just write me a messages. love you baby. talk to you soon i hope. kiss kiss.


so far anyway.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

miss you so much it hurts my sole

im on the road now

hey baby. we just left a little bit ago. so i dont know when we will be able to talk. but i love you sooo much. and i miss you. leave me a message whenever you can. have fun and be safe. ill leave you a message when i get to boston. love you. kiss kiss

Friday, October 22, 2010

i wish i could be there too...

this is really hard for me so far. it just feels like you left me and then left me again. like you're two whole worlds away now. i am so happy that you tell me everything. but its always gonna be hard for me to hear. and i know you can take care of your self. but it still makes me feel like shit, that i can't be there. i hate these ass holes out there. i would beat the shit out of them if i were there. but i will never ever ever get the chance. it sucks. and it just scares me knowing theres gonna be someone like that every night that you go out. and thats why i hate bars and clubs. and really the only reason it bothers me that you go out. cuz i know there's douche bags out there. and you're a very attractive girl. and i know you're gonna be drinking out there. probably a lot more than you would here. and there's nothing i can do to stop you. and please don't think i don't want you not to have a good time. i do, i want you to have an amazing time. alcohol just gets me uneasy and worried. this is just new and hard for me. i just wish i could be with you so bad it almost brings me to tears. things just aren't fair. and i hope you think about me as much as i think about you. enjoy you're time. and like i said before, don't let anything ruin it for you. not even all of my worrying and complaints. ok? i'm sorry i'm not the best for this. i love you baby. and miss you so much. i'm going over to evan's it turns out. cuz i feel kind of sad just being here. so who knows, i might be up around 5, just give me a try see if i'm on. love you baby.

i wish you could be here

marty and I just got back to the hostel after an amazing day. I really wish you could have been there. it was great to see neil ! he and his friend took us all around. to this beautiful cathedral an observation tower to the jewish qauter. I lo e prague it's so pretty and unique. eastern europe is like a whole new world. I have so much to tell u. it's hard to type it all on this iPhone. we are going to a party at Ndola friends at ten. I will call u before we leave and when we come back. gonna go shower now. love u lots and lots! I saw someone wearing ur backpack!

i am still in shock

its just like last night when you called, and i didn't believe it. it felt so amazing to know you were calling. it really grateful for little things like this. it feels like good things come to those who wait type of thing. i was really sad, thinking i wouldn't be able to hear your voice for the next ten days, and i was really sad just lying in my bed cuz usually i'd wait for you to call in the morning, and knowing you weren't just made everything feel like it was dragging on and on. but i ended up falling asleep at like 12, and then i woke up confused like an hour later, and then i feel asleep again. and woke up again confused, and then i heard the skype sound just by chance. cuz my computer wasn't even plugged into the speakers and i just thought it was something else. and it was you!!!!!!! and i was so happy, i felt wide awake. thank you and thank marty for calling me. tomorrow i might go back to chris's and evan wanted to take some  pictures at some point too. but i will keep my skype open at all times. and i know i'm really hard on you about going out and stuff. its just cuz its hard for me to imagine and all that. its just so hard for me not to be there it kills me. but at the same time i understand you want to enjoy your self. and if marty has no one else to go out with, i don't want you not to go just because of me. i love you so much baby. it was amazing to hear your voice.
p.s. it's nice to hear you're rooming with just girls!!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

i wish i read your schedule earlier

its like 80% pub crawls and bars and clubs. it makes me a little uneasy. i really hate that i can't be with you. it makes me really really sad. thinking you're gonna meet all these new people, and for ten days you might wanna go out with them to all these stupid bars. not to mention you're gonna watch the eifle tower light up. i just feel like there is nothing special for me to ever show you anymore. i hate this feeling. i hope you're having an amazing time, but at the same time i hate you being gone baby. it sucks so much. please just come home to me sooon so i don't feel so sad anymore. love you.

hey baby

i gotta say, its only been a couple of hours but i'm missing you. a lot. today's been pretty good so far. after i was done talking to you, i went back to sleep til like three. and i woke up ate breakfast. and chris texted me asking if i wanted to go work out. so dan said he'd pick me up when he got out of work. and it was already 4:30, and i still had to do the dishes and take a shower. some how i got it all done. and we went to chris's which was pretty fun. but i barely ended up working out, but it was still fun cuz we were just hanging out and stuff. we watched fight scenes from this martial arts movie. about bruce lee's master. it was cool. it felt a lot like the old days. but then chris told me that he heard there was a lock down at shaker today! apparently some older guy was making threats at the school, and the cops arrested him and found a gun in his car! thats crazy. but i only heard it from chris. so i don't know all the details yet. and it was hard seeing him with alexis. it really sucks. i miss you a lot. but then i came home and ate dinner and watched some tv. and i just saw a sneak peak of the skins show that aditi liked. i think its coming to mtv! it looks pretty crazy. i also asked that girl from st. rose, if she'd sing on some of my songs. so i'm excited to work on some new creative music. and now its almost 11, and i'm just kind of bored. its weird cuz usually i'd just try to kill time til we could talk. so i guess i'll work on my painting or something. i love you so so much. and i hope you have an amazing time. and just be careful. it kills me knowing i can't be there to watch over you and protect you. so i just want you to just be safe more than anything. i miss you beyond belief baby. and i cannot wait til the day we are reunited. love you abigail.

this one is for you


have an amazing vacation baby. i hope you have the time of your life. i love you sooooo much. and i'm gonna miss you more than ever.

Monday, October 18, 2010

try to search around, you might find the answer

This is how you do it

Sunday, October 17, 2010

in the superman movie...

the bad guy makes a chemical compound that makes superman somewhat evil. but more of just a dick really. but the first thing he does is fly to italy and straightens out the leaning tower of pisa. haha. i thought of you love.

my sat.

so i went to bed late last night. and petro was using the blanket i usually use, so i only had this tiny ass blanket. that only covered half of my legs. and of course it was freezing, so i had a miserable night of sleep. and as soon as i woke up i was thinking about how i should get a bus home as soon as possible. everyone went to subway in the morning, but i didn't have any money so i just stayed and slept a little longer. but i was starving, and luckily evan was heading home, so i went home with him. and i was pretty board all day. really missing you a lot. i just wanted it to go quickly, so it would be tomorrow and i'd get to talk to you again! and then you called me! i wish we could have talked longer. i hope you're remembering everything, cuz i wanna hear every second of every day you spent out there. i'm so excited to talk to you. but i tried playing video games for a bit, and worked on my painting a little more. and then decided to call dan. and he came over and we had a really good time. first we were watched a little ufc. and then we started to work out, but kristine called him and wanted him to go drive out to where she was just to pick up a computer chair she saw was for free. cuz she was afraid someone might take it. but she was being a complete bitch about it. he was trying to tell her we were busy, but wouldn't stop bothering him. so eventually we went out to get it, then came back and finished working out. and then we just hung out. we played foos ball, which was really fun. cuz remember i said i always want to play with someone, but there's never anyone to play with. so we played that for a little, and air hockey, and then we just sat around and talked. it was a good time. i'm happy we decided to hang out. he stayed til like 2 in the morning. and i've just been in my room watching the old superman movie since. and writing this to you before i go to bed. i love you so much baby. and i miss you. you are the best thing that ever happened to me.  love love love love love love love love love love love love you baby.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

my day

i woke up at like 1, already thinking about my show. i went online for a little and talked to evan and chris to try to get my mind off of things. i kept checking skype on facebook and the blog every once in a while, just to see if maybe you wrote something. i was really missing you and couldn't stop thinking about you. but i was hoping you were having an amazing time. i was starving, but didn't know what to eat, and my mom wanted me to do the dishes before i left for my show. so i just put on my set list while i did them. it took like an hour and a half to do them! but probably because i was trying to practice at the same time. but i finally finished. i messed up a lot of my songs, so i was getting nervous. and there was nothing to eat either. so i settled with fluff and peanut butter again. so i ate that and then took a long long hot shower. wishing you were taking it with me. and i couldn't find my i love hip hop shirt, so i just wore a black tee under my jacket. and right before i was about to leave, i figured i'd check the blog again. and you wrote me good luck!!!! what a pleasant surprise. it made me happy. and it was pooring out and freeeeezing. i really thought it was gonna snow. dan actually said there was snow in the forcast! but anyway, so my mom brought me to the bus top. and i had to wait for so long cuz i got there early. it was unbearable it was so fucking cold. and i really had to piss,  but i kept thinking the bus would come as soon as i left, so i just held it. and i was misserable... but then my phone rang. and i was like who the hell is calling me right now. and it said ABBY ITALY NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i picked up so fast. i was in disbelief. i was so surprised. and sooo so happy. i wish you could have seen me smiling. thank you so much for calling baby. it was so nice. it was awesome to hear your voice. it gave me the confidence i needed for the show. and even though our conversation was under 2 minutes, it still made me feel a lot better. i feel better already about you being out there, cuz now i just need to get through tomorrow, and we'll be able to talk again sunday. i can't wait. but anyway, the bus finally came, and it was extremely crowded. so i had to stand with my bag and my board. and on top of that, i really really had to pee and the bus ride wasn't making it any easier. it got to the point where i was thinking about getting off at whatever the next stop was, cuz i thought i was gonna pee my pants hahaha. but i missed the four o'clock bus earlier, so i was taking the five o'clock bus. so it was already getting late, so i had to just ride it out. luckily i made it, but boy i was getting really scared. i was hoping maybe it'd down poor so no one would be able to tell if i peed my self. but i made it ok. i got to evans probably around 6, and they were still making dinner. and i just figured i'd have to be at the place by 630. but of course they were taking forever, and the twins were trying to figure out how'd they still be able to make it out to the bar, and everyone was taking their sweet time, while i was nervous and didn't want to be late. but we finally left. i got there kind of late, but it didn't matter cuz no one was there. which also made me kind of worried, cuz there was like 5 people there. but it turned out i was going on second after all so it was no problem what time i got there really. especially cuz they kept holding out til more people got there. and the twins were getting restless, and can you believe tim made a mixed drink to bring? and then once they found out i wasn't going on til later, they begged evan to bring them to chubbys. how dumb. and evan finally gave in and brought them. it was so stupid. i was kind of offended. like you have to drink to enjoy me? so they went for like litterally 20min. they almost missed me. but dan got there at the same time, so i was chilling with him while they left. and then my brother and his friend chris showed up. which was really cool. and then finally the first rapper got there. he was a lanky spanish kid. kind of weird looking. the show finally started. and i could tell he was kind of a dick just from the way he was talking. but he did a song or two, and he had like creative lines, but no stage presence. and no heart in it. so wasn't that entertaining. but then he had like a jazz band go up with him at the end, and they were sick. i almost wish it was just them up there. one guy played the sax amazingly. and then the dude was like aight thats it. and started getting off stage, and his band mates were like uhhh no we still have aother one. and he was like oh yeah, well i guess thats what you get when you smoke a joint before your show. and was just really annoying and stupid. like how could you forget you still had another song? and then he was done. and i was gonna talk to him, but he just walked out, i didn't even see him leave. but i was kind of pissed he wasn't even gonna stick around. but so it was my turn now, and i was about to get on stage and i heard someone whisper my name. and i turn around and tom and katie are standing there! even though they said they were coming i wasn't really positive they'd make it. so i was really surprised, and really really really appreciated. i was like in awe. i gave them both big hugs. and couldn't believe they came down just for me! it was so so so nice of them. i talked to them for a little and then got on stage. the way i set up my set, is that it has sound clips between every song. so it just flows to the next one. so i never paused the music, i'd just let it run. and i was really nervous, but i hit play. and went at it. i opened with must be something in the water. i think they liked it. and i just kept going. i had little fuck ups here and there, but only things that i cought. like i was supposed to say the rhyme spitter, the stoop sitter, but i know i fucked up and said the stoop shitter. and i laughed cuz i noticed it and it was really funny. but no one else noticed. and i got through my new songs pretty good. i never had to be like fuck, and stop. and thats what i wanted. and i got a good response from the crowd. and i sat like on the edge of the stage for one song. it was cool and intimate. and my brother filmed the whole thing! i'll show you videos as soon as i can. and i finished, and it was a good feeling. i got off and talked to everyone and they all said i did really good. katie and tom were so nice. they said i was amazing. and nolly's friend chris gave me a hug, and was like dude you were awesome. the difference from you and the first kid was you had heart. and you could really really tell. and it was one of the best compliments i've heard. then there was just a kid sort of DJing after. he seemed really cool, but tom and kaite wanted to head out. i couldn't believe they were going back to new paltz. they drove down to see me just for like an hour. just to drive back an hour and a half. i kept telling them whatever they wanted to do i would do. but they said they had to get back, so i walked them to their car and we just stood around for a good while and talked. it was really cool. i felt like i had like my full personality out too. i was so happy they were there. but they left, and me evan and dan came back to the dorm, played some halo, and then tim and his girl came back, and we hung out with them. and i talked to jessie for a bit which was really good. but one weird thing was my balls hurt reallllllly reallly bad when i got off stage. almost like i had blue balls. jessie said thats reall love right there. haha i love hip hop so much it gave me blue balls. but it was weird, for like hours after they hurt. and then gene came back from some chicks place that i guess he hooked up with. another stupid story i had to hear. and listen to gene and evan talk their stupid condesending asshole bull shit. sometimes i just hate to hear them talk. first of all it was a stupid story, but then he said she wasnt really that pretty. which then its like, why did you hook up with her then? but we looked at her pictures, and i thought she was a cute girl, but they are so fucking stuck up i guess, they kept being like naaaaaahhhh not realy bro. which pissed me off because they always think they're right with everything. like not that it bothered me about her, cuz i don't even know her but just the fact that they think they are such hot shit or something. and they're so judgemental. and just disrespectful. like i like to hear their stories just because i'm curious of what they did, but then i end up wishing i didn't ask. cuz it pisses me off how big of assholes they can be or how big of sluts the girls could be. and he was like she wasn't fat, but she wasn't skinny skinny. and i saw her picture and i was like dude what are you talking about, she's real skinny. and he was like uhh not really dude. they're dumb sometimes. that was the only thing that bothered me tonight though. that and just listening to evan half of the time. always making everything he talks about be like and diiiiiiiid you know blah blah blah. mostly shit that i don't care about, but he makes it sound like its the biggest fucking deal in the world, and if you didn't know then you're stupid. like he kept being like i can't believe joel takes 45 minutes to get to work because he has to take the train and it takes that long. and just shit that tries to make it sound like he knows so much about the city, and i almost get a vibe that he's almost jealous, so he tries to brag about other people to us. like joel's commute doesn't surprise me nor impress me. it just seems like something you have to do in the city. but evan make it sound like he was the first to hear about that. and then he goes on and on about how joel always worked so hard and all his jobs and blah blah and now he's a manager. which don't get me wrong i'm happy for him and proud. but evan always talked down about him before he moved to the city. cuz he dropped out of school and stuff. and i'm just rambling now cuz its 530 in the morning. but i wanted to let you know how everything went. and how i miss you so so so so much. and how no one ever compares to you, and its you i want to be hanging out with instead of everyone here. but i had a good show and i'm proud of my self for going through wiht it. and i wish you could have been here. can't wait to talk to you again baby. love you so much, hope you're having an amazing time, be safe. love you baby. bye. millions of kisses xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxxooxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxoxo

Friday, October 15, 2010

Good Luck!

I love you so much baby! Have an amazing time tonight. You can do it! Have fun, I'll be thinking of you, every second. a million kisses xxxoooxxxooo

Thursday, October 14, 2010

and also

i'm watching the real world challenge on mtv right now and it takes place in prog! so maybe you will see them while you're there! love you.

i miss you already babe

usually its easy to get through my nights because i know i have talking to you in your morning to look forward too. but now that you're already gone, its a little harder. i love you so much baby. i hope you have an amazing weekend. and i hope by some miracle we can talk a little. i'm gonna be thinking about the entire time i'm on stage. love you abigail ruby ester duckor soon to be gonsalves. : )

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pictures from Assisi

First day of school in Assisi

First Gothic Cathedral in Italy

View from Assisi

Fountain in the center of town

Beautiful sunset at the end of the day

love you baby, wish we could have said good bye.

i wish we could have talked when you got out of your shower baby. i hope you have a wonderful amazing beautiful day. i love you soo much. and i miss you. you are wayyyyyy too good for me. every day you wake up early for me helps me so much. and i hope you know i appreciate ever single little thing you do for me. from the letters you hide to the things you say to me to the way you support me. there is just no possible way i could have found a better girl for me. i wouldn't trade you for any one or anything. i miss my baby. i can't wait to you see you again. please leave me a message or call whenever you can. i'm always free baby. have a good day. goodnight love.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

NO TAG BACKS!!!!!!!!

here are some pictures nolly's friend took with an amazing camera.

love you baby, panda bear swag


I hope you are having a blast at your show right now baby. I know you are going to do amazing and I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm thinking of you right now!!! And cheering for you! WHOOOOO! and jumping up and down, and dancing! Good luck, you can do it! I'll be home all night so call me whenever you can, after you've signed all your autographs, and pushed through all your fans...

Friday, October 1, 2010

happy 100th post!
i just stubbled upon this site, and it had a sculpture from prague of two guys peeping next to eachother. let me know if you see it while you're there.