Thursday, December 9, 2010

hey baby, i love you soooo much.

i love you and miss you so much baby. i can't wait to see you. thats all i care about. i hope we get to talk soon. i had a good night. dan came over. me him dave and nolly played some video games. and then we played foos ball, and then we just sat and talked for a couple hours. about like if a milionaire told us we could pick only one store from the mall and get what ever we wanted how much we wanted, what store we would pick. it was a hard choice. i'm still not sure. then we were talking about what cars from movies we'd want and stuff like that. and remembered old movies. like this one called little monsters. which was about this monster world underneath this kid's bed. it was the same kid from the show the wonder years. but i always remembered this movie with these freaky looking monsters and one had a sock for a head. and i could never find it. but i finally found it. its called freaked. and it looks like one of the scariest freakiest weirdest things ever. i don't know who let me watch it as a kid. it scared me just watching the trailer now. but it was fun. and then we talked about like illegal immigrants. and its always kind of a touchy subjct. cuz everyone has their own views on it. which kind of sucks cuz i always feel alone in arguments like that. and its weird to see how much dan's turning out to be like i don't know, almost like a dad. but just with the shit he can talk about. shit that dads talk about. like the economy and republican and democrat shit. not that just dads talk about it, but its like how he talks about it. a lot like his dad. its weird. we're not kids anymore. but anyway. i love you. i miss you so much. i hope you have an amazing wonderful fun filled time tomorrow night. i know you will look absolutley beautiful even with a mask on it'll be obvious. take a lot of pictures ok? oh yeah, i saw the video you did with alyssa. i laughed out loud over and over. you were so cute and funny. and you looked really good! i love you baby. kiss kiss.

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