Friday, December 17, 2010


It is snowing like crazy here! I don't think my flight is going to leave tomorrow... its getting really confusing. I'll be here all night probably, just going out to dinner at 7. Love you lots and lots baby, call me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Love you so much!

Call me ASAP cause im going to bed now... :( If i don't get to talk to you I love you with all my heart and will call you when I wake up tomorrow. I'm waking up at 8, so thats 2am for you. Kiss kiss Isaiah, miss you dearly

love you baby

i'm home too, i just have to do a little cleaning right now. i called you a couple times but you didn't pick up. so i'll try back in a little bit. i love you baby! can't wait to see you in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey I'm home now. Ended up going to that mexican restaurant early, and then not going out anywhere else after, and realizing that im tired and want to get up early to do things, so call me!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i miss you

a lot!
but this is just the beginning, we only got our feet wet!
i love you, i hope we get to talk today. if not, have an amazing day. kiss kiss.

its christmas!!!!!!!


hey hey hey baby. I am going to dinner with sarah and marty at 7:30 tonight, so I probably won't be online until 9:30 or 10. Love you so much, I hope you had a good night. Kiss Kiss. I can't wait to see your face!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Isaiah and Abby in Stop Motion!

I choo choo choose you!

Yes! I am so glad you had a good birthday baby! I wish I could have gotten to talk to you again. That shirt is really cool. I can't wait to see your show in January. I started to clean my room, so I could start packing and stuff, and I found that sheet of paper I wrote all those funny/ romantic sayings on like I choo choo choose you! and Olive you! Theres more of them but I won't reveal to you yet. I 'm hoping you forgot them from that one time you saw them all.
I hope you're sleeping tight, love you so much, can't wait to talk to you! Can't wait even more to see you for real! Love love love, Abby

Saturday, December 11, 2010

aww baby

i really wish you could have been there tonight! it was our best show yet! you were right, i did have a lot of fun. but i was still sad cuz i wish you could have been there. they played our music really really really loud. just how i wanted it, and me and evan got really into it. and a lot of people liked us. and there was soo many people there. there was no one at first, and as soon as we got on, it just like flooded. it was awesome. and the twins came. it was the twins, their friend connie, her friends will and kristin, steve, mal, matt, donnie, and petro. which was really cool. but they were all like really drunk. so they were like really loud and drawing a lot of attention. like they were like OOOOOOOOOOOOO MY GOOODDD WE LOVE YOU GUYS!! but when we played they were so close to the stage. it felt awesome, and then they all sang happy birthday to me. and evan and the twins got me this shirt
how awesome is that? its like exactly like what i want to do for my tshirt company, comics mixed with music. it was awesome. i wore it on stage. then we stayed to watch a lot of the other people. and my brother and dan were there too. and we hung out with john there, and that girl kaite was there too. it was a lot of fun. then we went to burger king and hung out at evan's for a litte bit and i'm just getting back home now. i'm really bummed its not my birthday anymore, but i showed a lot of people my giftcard you made me, and i'm wearing your headphones now! i just wish it could last a little longer. but i did feel special tonight. i miss you a lot baby. i hope you had a good night too. i love you. can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. i'll probably be off and on like all day. so try calling me if you're on earlier. i love you baby. kiss kiss.


                                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

you make me...

the happiest person alive who has ever lived!
thank you so much for your post baby. it means a lot. i'm really happy to hear you had a good night. it sounds really fun. the saddest part, is missing you look all sexy. but i know i'll see that soon. ; ) the studio went ok. it was a lot of fun. but we ran out of time again! so idk what we're gonna do about it, but i didn't get to go back to sleep after talking to you so i'm really tired and hoping it'll get my sleep schedule back on track. so maybe i'll even wake up at 8! who knows. i love you so much. and i miss you soo much. i miss getting in bed, making pop corn, putting sazon on it and watching a movie with you. i miss it a lot. but i'm really excited for my birthday. almost entirely because i'm excited for your gifts. you're the best baby. you do too much. you're too good for me. thank you for loving me back. i'm in love with you. kiss kiss.

The best four years of my life

On the last night of hannukah my true love gave to meee...
the best four years of my life!

Hey baby. Tonight was pretty fun. After I talked to you I went over Christina's and we went over to the club. It was kinda weird at first, cause it was just the two club owners and these two bouncers. And only one of the club owners spoke english, and there wasn't really anything to talk about. And then like ten minutes after we got there, the power in the club went out. So we didn't even get to hang anything and now I have to go back tomorrow at 4. But thats ok I guess. Aubrey and Jordon hadn't finished there stuff yet so they were just going to hang their stuff tomorrow.
So I just came back to the apartment and hung out with alyssa and marty and drunk a little and felt silly that I had gotten ready so early. Then we walked over and there werent that many people from fua there. And the food was pretty gross, just like cold fried things.  But thn Christin and Lindsey nad some other people we know got there so it was more fun. They had this short little fashion show thing, from one of the fashion classes. Aubrey was in it and I barely recognized her cause her make-up and hair were so strange. We talked some more and hung out and people were starting to leave. there was this one section where people were dancing so I went over there and then everybody followed. The DJ played mostly old 80's songs but it was still really fun. Cause it was a pretty big room and there werent that many people (pretty much just me marty, christina, priscilla, lindsey, tess, and ariana, and then another group of girls and then all the faculty) so we just danced all crazy like and silly. It was pretty funny, and so nice not having to worry about creepier guys. We stayed there til like 12:30. We were one of the last to leave, definately the last students to leave. And we walked through florence a little on the way home. They lit up this huge christmas tree by the duomo and it is so pretty. Then marty and I watched Baby Mama, which is why Im still up right now. Watching it made me miss you so much. I reminded me of when we went to see that movie in the theaters and how funny we thought the "baby wabour" line was, and all that. Love you so much baby. I am going to to go to bed, cause i got to get up kinda early for class, but i will talk to you at 9! Love love love love you! I hope everything at the studio went good and fun today and that you had a good day and got to sleep more. Miss you with all my heart, love, Abby.

my stuff so i can get it off nolly's computer.


this is probably the closest you'll get to playing the original

love you baby.

hey baby, i love you soooo much.

i love you and miss you so much baby. i can't wait to see you. thats all i care about. i hope we get to talk soon. i had a good night. dan came over. me him dave and nolly played some video games. and then we played foos ball, and then we just sat and talked for a couple hours. about like if a milionaire told us we could pick only one store from the mall and get what ever we wanted how much we wanted, what store we would pick. it was a hard choice. i'm still not sure. then we were talking about what cars from movies we'd want and stuff like that. and remembered old movies. like this one called little monsters. which was about this monster world underneath this kid's bed. it was the same kid from the show the wonder years. but i always remembered this movie with these freaky looking monsters and one had a sock for a head. and i could never find it. but i finally found it. its called freaked. and it looks like one of the scariest freakiest weirdest things ever. i don't know who let me watch it as a kid. it scared me just watching the trailer now. but it was fun. and then we talked about like illegal immigrants. and its always kind of a touchy subjct. cuz everyone has their own views on it. which kind of sucks cuz i always feel alone in arguments like that. and its weird to see how much dan's turning out to be like i don't know, almost like a dad. but just with the shit he can talk about. shit that dads talk about. like the economy and republican and democrat shit. not that just dads talk about it, but its like how he talks about it. a lot like his dad. its weird. we're not kids anymore. but anyway. i love you. i miss you so much. i hope you have an amazing wonderful fun filled time tomorrow night. i know you will look absolutley beautiful even with a mask on it'll be obvious. take a lot of pictures ok? oh yeah, i saw the video you did with alyssa. i laughed out loud over and over. you were so cute and funny. and you looked really good! i love you baby. kiss kiss.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On the 7th night of Hannukah...

On the seventh night of hannukah my true love gave to meee...
A trip to Boston indeed, it is just what we need!

hey baby

i'm gonna go to that stupid interview at 5 below again. its between 3 and 5, so i might be a little late talking to you again. if so its just because i'm out there. but i'll be back as soon as possible. leave me a message if you end up going somewhere. k. love you. bye.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

On the Fifth day of Hannukah...

on the first night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeee
aint she a honey, she got me one cold bunny
on the second night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeeeee
her presence is so calming, she got me a turtle that is yawning
on the third night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeee
she laughed hysterically, i saw it with my own eyes, a cat in a bow tie?
on the fourth night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeeeeee
she gave me so much i really really owe her, and now this little tiny lawn mower

On the fifth night of Hannukah my true love gave to meeeee
He sent it in a letter, a packet of Sazon that makes everything taste better!

Haha I love it!

Thank you so much baby it is so cute I love it! Best Hannukah present ever. Im going to send you one back.


i figured i'll light the first couple for you, and you can do the next couple. hope you like it. love you!

on the first night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeee
aint she a honey, she got me one cold bunny
on the second night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeeeee
her presence is so calming, she got me a turtle that is yawning
on the third night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeee
she laughed hysterically, i saw it with my own eyes, a cat in a bow tie?
on the fourth night of Hanukkah my true love gave to meeeeeeee
she gave me so much i really really owe her, and now this little tiny lawn mower

Saturday, December 4, 2010

thank you baby

i had a lot of fun at the studio, it was amazing. you were right, it was fun. john and his friend are the nicest people ever. but thats weird you couldn't sleep. cuz i couldn't either. i laid in bed at 2:30 in the morning. with no tv, no nothing. and i just laid awake for like three hours. i think i might have gotten one hour of sleep if that. i was so pissed. i just couldn't fall asleep. it was really weird. and then my 7 o'clock alarm went off. it was horrible. i feel pretty sick and just tired. but we got to the place at 8 exactly. and its so amazing. its really top notch shit. but anyway we were supposed to have 4 hours, but i guess they booked someone else. so we only had two, and it took an hour to set up. so we didn't even get half way done. but it was still just really cool being there. and we're gonna go back thursday night to finish up. and i'm awake now, so i was just checking if you were on, but i guess not. i'm probably gonna knock out for a while. i love you. i'll check again at 4. love you so much. hope you're having an amazing day. miss you.

Good Luck!

I hope you are having/ had a good time this morning recording. I can't wait to hear about it. I love you so much baby. Miss you. I am so excited to see you I can't sleep. It sucks.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Hey babykins. I wish i could have been there when you were acting weird. I love weird Isaiah. We could have been weird together. I had a good day today. Cortona is gorgeous, a really cute town. I'm really glad I went. Marty, Chris and I are going to the diner together at 8:30. I should be back by earlier by ten, but im not sure by how much.  Do you think you will be sleeping over at evans? We should be able to talk, but just in case, I love you love love you! Have a good time/ good luck with evan. Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

Thursday, December 2, 2010

hey baby

hey baby, i'm about to go to sleep. this is the first time i've taken night quill, and its actually making me tired. and i'm acting all weird haha. i wish you could be here to see me. i love you. and i wanted to know if we could talk at 4 or before  that tomorrow. cuz i think me and evan are gonna try to work on some ntb stuff tomorrow when he gets out of work. and he gets out at 5. so let me know if that works for you. i love you soo much. have a great amazing beautiful day. love you. miss you. kiss kiss.
another day down.




I Love You.